
Mothership Compatible: There Is A Goblin On The Loose In Icarus Station

Original price was: £4,99.Current price is: £2,00.

SKU: 'CDS02 Category: Tag:


6 hours ago: Emergency systems were initialized on Icarus Station, a small monitoring facility in low solar orbit

5 hours ago: Icarus crew reported multiple deaths and “one GOBLIN with a knife.”

4 hours ago: All communications went dark.

3 hours ago: You were hired to clear the station of threats and recover any living crew.

2 hours ago: You learned goblins are real.

1 hour ago: You and your team arrived in local space near Icarus Station on docking approach.

NOW: The airlock is opening. TIME TO GO.

There Is A Goblin On The Loose In Icarus Station is a goofy and fantastical creature horror pamphlet adventure for Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1e.

ICARUS STATION sees players boarding a solar monitoring station on a mission to rescue any living crew and deal with strange reports of a deadly entity onboard: a goblin with a knife!

Requires Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1e.


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